A reputable SeedsHereNow store is an invaluable resource for new and experienced cultivators alike. The best cannabis seeds stores provide a wide variety of expertly-curated marijuana genetics and offer convenient online shopping for growers seeking top-notch quality at an affordable price.
Uncover the Magic of Cannabis Cultivation with SeedsHereNow
Storing seeds correctly can make all the difference in your harvest. Generally, seeds should be stored in their original packaging in a cool, dark place away from light and heat. Refrigerators or a dark basement are ideal storage locations for seeds. Storing them in the dark will prevent light and heat from reducing their viability, and they’ll stay fresh until you’re ready to plant.
Seeds are incredibly delicate, and they require special conditions to sprout. If you’re storing your cannabis seeds for a long time, you may need to re-soak them. You can also try gently scratching the ridge on the seed with a Stanley blade before re-soaking to help them germinate more easily. It’s important to remember that not all seeds will germinate, and some will produce weak, unviable plants. For this reason, it’s a good idea to buy and plant 25% more seeds than you need.
SeedsHereNow offers an unparalleled selection of premium marijuana strains. From high-THC potency to hassle-free autoflowering genetics, this reputable cannabis seeds store is home to a multitude of cannabis cultivars that promise to deliver exceptional results. Harboring a repository of the most coveted marijuana genetics, SeedsHereNow showcases strains like Bruce Banner and Blue Dream from top USA breeders.